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PGDCA 1st semester
BA 1st semester(FYUGP)

Evaluation System

Evaluation Process

Kamarbandha College conducts continuous internal evaluation according to the guidelines of Dibrugarh University. The college prepares academic calendar where dates for holding examinations are clearly mentioned. The college holds two sessional examinations every semester - Odd / Even, as per the guidelines of Dibrugarh university. Two teachers are assigned by the Internal Assessment Committee, headed by the Vice Principal, to properly conduct the sessional examinations. The setting of question papers, invigilation duty, evaluation of answer scripts are done by the concerned course teacher as a part of his/her normal duty.

For CORE courses or Honours subjects (6 credit), there are 20 marks for internal assessment and 80 marks for End semester examination. Two Sessional examinations are conducted in every semester. The 20 marks allotted for internal assessment will be given on the basis of - Sessional test1:5marks, Sessional test 2: 5marks, Presentation/viva voce/Group discussion:5marks; Attendance:5 marks .

For 2 credit Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course Paper -AECC1, AECC2, there is 10 marks on the basis: First Sessional Test :5 marks; Second Sessional Test :5 marks.

For 2 credit SEC papers, there is 10marks for internal assessment on the basis: Sessional test 1:2.5 marks, Sessional test II- 2.5 marks. Presentation/viva voce/Group discussion;2.5marks,Attendance:2.5 marks) .

For 6 credit Generic Elective and Discipline Specific Elective courses papers, internal assessment mark is 20,and mark distribution is as follows: Sessional tests :10 marks, Group discussion/Presentation/Assignments: 5 marks, Attendance:5marks .

After evaluating the answer scripts mark lists are hung on the notice board. There is a provision for reconduction of the internal examinations for drop students to evaluate their progress for the same.All the records and data of attendance of internal examination, question papers, valued answer scripts, copies of marksheets are properly maintained by the teachers. The Principal verifies the internal marks list of all the students that is finally prepared and to be submitted to the university. At the end of a semester (before the end semester examination begins), the internal assessment marksare submitted in proper format to the University by the examination branch.

Examination related grievances

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