Affiliated to dibrugarh University
PGDCA 1st semester |
BA 1st semester(FYUGP) |
Programme outcomes (PO), Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO) &
Course Outcomes (CO)
Education as a discipline is very broad as well as dynamic. Its boundaries are extensive and encompass our entire lives. In the process of evolution of the discipline, it has gone through different stages and is continuously advancing and developing. It addresses philosophical, psychological and technological aspects, social issues etc. It enhances students learning in Education as a social science discipline. The aim of education is to help people develop, enhance and realize their inherent potentialities. It also recognized as the mirror of the society. Hence, education being as a social process has been concerned with preparing the members of the society to adapt to the constantly changing environment of the society .Further, it is loaded with the responsibility of developing core competencies such as communication skills required to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively, using oral and written communication skills, and to present information and explanations in a well structured manner. Without education a person is not likely to say, do and think, or, in other words, behave, in socially desirable way. It is only education that shapes a person’s behavior.
Programme Outcomes (PO):
Programme Outcomes (Pos) describes what a program is expected to accomplish .Pos describe what students should know and be able to do at the end of the programme.
PO 1. Disciplinary Knowledge:
Opting Education as a Major subject at the U.G. level will provide students with the basic concepts of Education and education system in India. The students should have the ability to demonstrate the attribute of comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the discipline of Education.
PO 2. Critical Thinking:
The students will able to apply analytic thought to a body of `knowledge of education, to evaluate the issues and problems related to education, critically evaluate educational policies, practices and theories etc.
PO 3. Information /Digital Literacy:
To develop the ability to use information and communication technology in different learning situation and in general. They should be able to interact and communicate through virtual mode effectively on any issues, particularly issues related to education.
PO 4. Research related Skills:
To demonstrate the attribute of scientific enquiry for research in education, to fine solution s to some issues related to education.
PO 5. Moral and Ethical Awareness:
To exhibit value based, moral and ethical practices in their day to day life , to identify ethical issues related to any work, particularly work related to education : avoid unethical behavior , adopt objective, unbiased and honest actions in all aspects of work.
PO 6.ReflectiveThinking and Problem Solving:
To understand and use their own experiences and skills to meet challenges in the field of education and in day today life, to understand the nature of problems and deal with them in a right manner and to solve different problems of day to day life in various situations.
PO 7. Communication Skills:
To present and express information, thoughts, views clearly and concisely, to communicate effectively on any issues, particularly issues related to education and to demonstrate effective communication skills in dealing with classroom practices.
PO 8. Cooperation and Multicultural Competencies:
To work collaboratively in dealing with the educational affaires in particular and any kind of task in general, to work effectively in a divers team, respecting each other while working in the interest of a common case. The students will also appreciate the beliefs, values of multiple cultures across the globe and demonstrate respect for inclusivity in society while engaging in a multicultural society.
PO 9. Apply knowledge, skills and theories of education to solve educational problems both in familiar and non-familiar contexts and apply the learning to real life situation.
PO 10. Demonstrate teaching competencies required for keeping oneself professional engaged.
PO11. Demonstrate competencies in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to improve professional knowledge practice.
PO12. To enhance the students learning of Education as a social science discipline, by providing student’s with a rigorous and challenging educational experience aiming to develop sound theoretical background in the subject.
PO13. Apply psychological principles to meet various issues and challenges in the field of education.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) describes what the students of a specific program should be able to do.
PSO 1.To enable the students to understand the foundations of Education.
PSO 2. To explain the meaning, nature, scope and types of education, describe the modern concept, different aims, functions, levels and role of education, concept of psychology and Educational psychology, schools of psychology and methods of Educational psychology.
PSO 3. To describe the meaning, nature and scope of philosophy and Educational Philosophy, role of philosophy in different aspects of Education and explain the meaning, nature and scope of Educational Sociology and it’s various theories.
PSO 4.To explain the basic tenets of Indian and Western Philosophers and their influences on education, to distinguish between the Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism.
PSO 5. To express the concept and types of curricular and co-curricular activities, illustrate about examination, mesuremment, assessment and evaluation process.
PSO 6 .To explain the need for development of pleasing and influencing personality, leadership qualities and self development for career growth, define hard skills and soft skills, and accomplish personal and interpersonal traits for development of soft skills.
PSO 7. To describe the important components as well as types of communication and facilitate for demonstrating effective communication and good presentation skills, prepare learners for the twenty first century job markets.
PSO 8. To discuss the ancient Indian education system with reference to Vedic, Buddhist and Islamic education systems, explain the landmarks in the development of Indian Education till Independence, explain some contemporary issues of Indian education and to explain the concepts related to curriculum and co- curricular activities.
PSO 9. To describe the meaning, concept, types and theories of learning, explain the concept and theories of intelligence and creativity, discuss the concept, factors and theories of personality and describe the concepts and measures of mental health and hygiene.
PSO 10. To explain the concepts and salient features of Vedic, Buddhist and Islamic system of education in India, discuss about the indigenous education system of India with reference to its meaning, types of institutions, causes of downfall and relevance, discuss the educational activities of the Missionaries in India and to perceive an idea on the Charter Act of 1813.
PSO 11. To describe the concept, features and issues of ICT in Education, explain the skill of using E-ways of learning to explore content knowledge and to describe an understanding of role of ICT in education.
PSO 12. To introduce the concept of Indian and Western schools of Philosophy and Education, understanding Education and Society, educational and political ideologies ,to explain the impact of Indian and Western schools of philosophy in present system of education in India and to analyse the role of education in Socialization process , preservation, transformation and promotion of culture and social change .
PSO 13. To explain the meaning, types functions and source of values, illustrate the importance, methods, techniques of value education and policy perspectives in East and West, to describe the meaning, objectives pedagogy and the ways of integrating peace education in the curriculum and to describe the importance of teachers, principals and parents in imparting peace education.
PSO 14. To acquaint with the concept of sociological approach of Education, theories of Educational Sociology, phenomena of soialisation, national integration and internationalization.
PSO 15. To discuss the role of education in social change and development, elaborate the socially and economically disadvantaged groups of Indian society and justify the role of education for their development.
PSO 16. To introduce the concept of guidance, counseling and guidance services, explain the various types of guidance and counselling, describe the role of Counsellor, Teachers in guidance and counselling, discuss the role of Guidance and Counselling services in schools.
PSO 17. To introduce the concept, nature and scope of teaching and techniques of teaching, explain the maxims of teaching, concept of teaching skills, demonstrate the concept of teaching skills and teaching behavior, practice different micro teaching skills and to explain the concept of cooperative and collaborative learning.
PSO-18: To define the concept of educational Management and educational leadership, styles of leadership, to explain the concept of educational planning and its importance, analyse the role and importance of educational supervision.
PSO-19: To describe the contribution of the Indian and Western Philosophers in the domain of education and the relevance of the educational thoughts of the given philosophers.
PSO-20: To explain the concept, scope and need of Experimental Psychology and how-to conduct and report of Experimental Psychology.
PSO-21: To explain the process of conducting a project, identify the problems and solution of these problems faced in educational field through project and how to prepare a project report.
PSO-22: To understand the child holistic development, teaching methodologies, and the creation of supportive learning environments of early childhood care and education.
Course Outcomes (COs) are what the student should be able to do at the end of a course. The most important aspect of course outcomes (CO) is that it should be observable and measureable.
Course outcomes according to UG Curriculum of Education under CBCS (HONOURS):
Objectives: To explain the concept , nature , scope and various types of education, its different aims, functions of education, meaning, nature and scope of Philosophy of Education, role of Philosophy in Education, concept , basic features and classifications of Indian and Western schools of Philosophy, to describe about the concept, nature and syllabus of curriculum, its various types , concept and types of co-curricular activities etc.
Outcomes : Through this course , learner will be able to describe the concept, aims , functions and role of education, role of philosophy in education , explain the basic tenants of the given Indian and Western Philosophies and their influence in Education and also appraise the contribution of the given philosophers in the domain of education.
Objectives : To describe the concept , approaches and theories of Educational Sociology, explain the concept of education, social processes and social aspects , role of education in social change and development, describe various social groups and their educational provisions, different political ideologies etc.
Outcomes : On completion of the course , students will be able to understand about explain To explain the concept , approaches and theories of Educational Sociology, illustrate the concept of education, socialization processes and social aspects ,explain the role of education in social change and development, describe various social groups and their education, different political ideologies and their bearings on education etc.
Objectives : To explain about the basic concept, nature , scope and uses and their importance of psychology and Educational Psychology in education , to provide knowledge about learning, intelligence, creativity , personality and their various factors and theories, discuss the concept of of variables, its types and to describe the concept of mental health and mental hygiene and measures of mental health in school.
Outcomes : On completion of the course, students will be able to understand about Psychology and Educational Psychology ,its various parts as about it learning, intelligence, creativity, personality, their different factors and theories ,mental health and hygiene ,its measures ,relation between Instincts and Emotion and their importance of Emotional training in the classroom.
Objectives: To define the concept of Educational Management, educational leadership, educational planning and its importance, types of management and modern trends of educational management, principles and styles of leadership and its implication in educational leadership and role and importance of educational supervision.
Outcomes: On the completion of the course, learners will be able to define the concept of Educational Management, educational leadership, educational planning and its importance, types of management and modern trends of educational management, principles and styles of leadership and its implication in educational leadership and analyse the role and importance of educational supervision and suggest some ensures to ensure quality in educational supervision.
Objectives: To explain the concept of ancient and modern Indian Educators, Western Educators (Idealist and Naturalist thinkers), Western Educators (Pragmatist, Existentialist and Modern thinkers) and their educational thoughts.
Outcomes: Through this course, describe the contribution of the given philosophers in the domain of education, to explain the relevance of the educational thought of the given philosophers.
Objectives: To describe the concept of measurement and evaluation in education, meaning of Psychological test and its classifications, characteristics of a good test, some specific Psychological test, uses of statistics in education and graphical representation of data and its uses etc.
Outcomes: After completion of the course, the students will be able to explain the meaning, nature, scope need and types of measurement and evaluation in education, describe the meaning of psychological test, their characteristics and process of construction.
Objectives : To explain the concept , scope and need of Experiential Psychology ,conduct and report of psychological experiment, concept of memory and its types ,concept of attention and learning, Personality, intelligence etc.
Outcomes : On completion of the course, the students will be able to understand about the meaning, nature, scope and origin of Psychological Experiment, procedure of conducting and reporting of Psychological Experiment, use sand application of psychological experiments in the field of education.
Objectives : To explain about educational Heritage of India, education in ancient India, Medieval India and education during British period and to describe about the growth and development of education from 1854-1921 and from 1921- 1947.
Outcomes: on completion of the course, learner will be able to explain the concept of education in the context of Indian heritage, describe the education in ancient India particularly Vedic and Buddhist education, critically examine the education system in Medieval period and to evaluate the education system during British period with special emphasis on the commissions and committees.
Objectives: To explain the meaning and nature of teaching, the principles of teaching and learning, explain the importance of planning lessons I teaching-learning process and describe various methods of teaching.
Outcomes : After completion of this course , students will be able to describe the concept of teaching skills and stages of micro-teaching cycle, state the objectives of teaching different subjects in Elementary and Secondary levels, the role of teacher at various phases of teaching and also describe various methods and approaches of teaching.
Objectives: To practice teaching skills through micro teaching and to prepare lesson plan for Micro teaching and Macro teaching.
Outcomes: through this course, students will be able to demonstrate a few teaching skills in classroom, integrate the teaching skills in real classroom situations and to prepare lesson plan for Micro and Macro teaching.
Objectives: To describe about the concept, nature, scope and components of Educational Technology, uses of ICT in Education, to explain concept, nature components and significance of Communication process, to describe the concept , nature and characteristics and families of Models of teaching and also concept of learning resources.
Outcomes : on completion of the course , students will be able to describe about the concept, nature, scope and components of Educational Technology, distinguish between Educational technology and Instructional technology, apply ICT in education, demonstrate the skills effective communication and apply Models of teaching, personalized system of instruction, programme learning in teaching learning process.
Objectives: To describe a brief account of educational scenario at the time of Independent, educational efforts in India and to explain the recent developments in Indian Education.
Outcomes: After completion of the course, learner will be able to understand about the educational scenario at the time of Independence, explain the roles of various Commissions and Committees in the development of education in post independent India and to describe the recent educational development in India.
Objectives: To explain the meaning, definitions, nature, scope and purpose of comparative education, describe the factors influencing in national system of education and to explain the open education in world perspective.
Outcomes : Through this course , learner will be able explain the meaning, definitions, nature, scope and purpose of comparative education, explain the organization, administration, objectives and examination systems of the countries, describe the vocational and teacher education of different countries, specially UK, USA , India and Japan.
Objectives : To describe the meaning, nature , scope ,aims and objectives , need and principles of guidance and counselling, its different types, guidance at various level, basic concept of tools and techniques of guidance and counselling service, concep0t , definition and characteristics of Educational and Vocational guidance, organization of guidance and counseling programme.
Outcomes: After completion of the course, students will be able to understand about the meaning, nature, purpose and scope of guidance and counselling, characteristic, functions and basic principles of its, explain the types and areas of guidance and counselling, use various tools and techniques of guidance in appropriate context and explain the qualities and role of a counselor etc.
Objectives: To explain the concept of mental health and Hygiene, principles of mental health, factors affecting mental health, describe about mental health and agencies of education, introduction to concept of Positive Psychology, integrate yoga in their day to day lives for holistic health.
Outcomes : After completion of the course , learner will be able to explain the need and importance of understanding the concepts of mental health and hygiene in the emerging society, empathize with people having psychological and maladjustment problems, describe the role of different agencies of society and their impacts on the development of an individual ‘s personality, describe the various components of positive psychology and its significance in the teaching learning processes , integrate yoga in their day to day lives for holistic health.
Objectives: To explain the Indian constitution, identify the challenges of Indian education, essential perspectives of Indian education, to describe about the emerging issues in education and also education in present social context.
Outcomes: Through this course, students will be able to know about the need of constitutional provisions for education and the role of constitution in equalizing educational opportunities in the diverse Indian society, identify the challenges of Indian education at various levels and suggest measures to overcome these. To define t5henew perspectives of education such as environmental education, Inclusive education, Gender education etc, critically examine and evaluate the initiatives taken by Government of India through various plans and policies to counter the challenges of Indian education, to explain the political influences on the national education system and also analyze the role of international agencies in development of education.
Objectives: To explain the meaning and significance of Child Psychology, developmental pattern and Concerns during Childhood, to describe about the Psychology of Adolescence and its need and problems.
Outcomes: on completion of the course, students will be able to explain significance of a study of childhood and adolescence today, describe the developmental changes of childhood and adolescence ,summarize the effect of family dynamics on child and adolescent development and to explain the significance of the role of society in monitoring and guiding young children in their proper development.
Objectives: To explain the meaning, definition, nature, scope theories and constitutional perspectives of human rights, Human Rights Movement in India, understanding and dealing with Violence of Human Rights, concept, objectives, principles and need for Human Rights Education in India, various agencies of Human Rights,
Outcomes : on completion of the course, learner will be able to explain the meaning, definition, nature, scope theories and constitutional perspectives of human rights, describe the concept , objectives , principles , need and curriculum of human rights education, various methods and activities describe the basics of human rights education i.e. societal political, regionalism and its limitations, factors promoting human rights education and also explain the role of different agencies
Objectives: To explain the concept of project, its characteristic, steps of conducting project, Challenges of conducting a Project, prepare a project.
Outcomes: Through this course, students will be able to explain the process of conducting a Project, identify the problems for Educational Project, solve problems faced in educational field through Project and also know how to prepare a project report.
Course Outcomes according to four year under-graduate programme (FYUGP) in Education
Objectives : To discuss the meaning, nature, scope and types of education, describe the modern concept, different aims, functions, levels and role of education, concept of psychology and Educational psychology, schools of psychology and methods of Educational psychology, to describe the meaning, nature and scope of philosophy and Educational Philosophy, role of philosophy in different aspects of Education
Outcomes : On completion of the course, students will be able to describe the meaning, nature and scope of philosophy and Educational Philosophy, role of philosophy in different aspects of Education and explain the meaning, nature and scope of Educational Sociology and it’s various theories.
Objectives: To describe the modern concept, nature and scope of philosophy, to provide knowledge about the role of philosophy in education and also Indian and Western Philosophy and their influences in the present system of education.
Outcomes : After competition of the course, Students will be able to explain the concept of Philosophy and Education and they will be to know the role of philosophy in Education and to understand the basic tenants of the given Indian and Western Philosophy and their influences in Education ,explain the concept of Philosophy and Education .
Objectives: To describe the modern concept of education, levels of education, express the concept and types of curricular and co-curricular activities, examination, measurement, assessment and evaluation etc.
Outcomes: Through this course students will be able to understand about concept, aims, functions and role of education, importance of co-curricular activities, distinguished amongst Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation process.
Objectives: To developing pleasing and influencing Personality, understanding about Hard Skills and Soft Skills, Communication and Presentation skills, prepare learners for the twenty first century job markets.
Outcomes: On completion of the course the students will be able to describe personality types for leadership qualities and career, prepare a holistic plan for self-improvement, various interpersonal skills including communication skills ,prepare a modern C,V. for attracting employer, practice new skills and techniques for effective outputs in job markets etc.
Objectives : To discuss about the development of ancient Indian Education system, some contemporary issues of Indian education, describe the concepts related to curriculum concept, types , importance and organization of co-curricular activities.
Outcomes : After completion of the course, students will be able to understand about the land marks in the development of Indian Education till Independence, some global issues, contributions of Missionaries in the development of modern Education in India, need and importance of population education, environmental education, and peace education at the present context of the society.
Objectives :To know about the basic concept of Psychology and Educational Psychology, and their importance in education, to provide knowledge about learning, intelligence, creativity , personality and their various factors and theories, to describe the concept of mental health and mental hygiene and measures of mental health in school.
Outcomes : On completion of the course students will be able to understand about Psychology and Educational Psychology ,its various parts as about it learning, intelligence, creativity, personality, their different factors and theories ,mental health and hygiene ,its measures ,relation between Instincts and Emotion and their importance of Emotional training in the classroom.
Objectives: To describe the concepts and salient features of ancient Indian education system, Indigenous Education system of India, educational activities of the Missionaries in India.
Outcomes :On completion of the course, a students will be able to understand about the concepts and salient features of Vedic, Buddhist and Islamic education system in India, perceive an idea on the Charter Act of1813 and meaning, types of institutions ,causes of downfall and relevance of Indigenous education system of India.
Objectives: To understand the concept of management, develop leadership skills among students and to create effective leaders among students.
Outcomes: After competition of the course, the students will be able to understand the role of management and leadership in the smooth functioning of an organization.
They will be able to inculcate managerial skills among themselves and will be able to contribute to the organizational growth.
Objectives : To introduce the concept of Indian and Western schools of Philosophy and Education, understanding Education and Society, educational and political ideologies , to explain the impact of Indian and Western schools of philosophy in present system of education in India and to analyse the role of education in Socialization process.
Outcomes : Through this course, a students will be able to explain the different social processes and phenomena , role of education towards these phenomena, impact of various political ideologies on education, democratic and constitutional values in life, differentiate Indian and Western thoughts on Philosophy of Education, describe the basic tenets of the Indian and Western Philosophies and their influence in various aspects of education.
Objectives: To describe the meaning, types, functions and source of education, meaning, objectives and dimensions of value education and need and importance of teachers, principals and parents in imparting peace education.
Outcomes: Through this course a students will be able to understand about the importance, policy perspectives, methods and techniques of value education, perspectives of value education in East and West and to describe the meaning, objectives, pedagogy and the ways of integrating peace education in the curriculum and analyse the role of parents, teahers, peer groups, government, mass media and voluntary organizations in fostering values.
Objectives: To acquaint with the concept of sociological approach of Education, theories of Educational Sociology, phenomena of socialization, national integration and internationalization and to discuss the role of education in social change and development.
Outcomes: After completion of the course, students will be able to explain the concept, approaches and various theories of Educational Sociology, illustrate social aspects, social processes and justify the significance of education in social change and development, role of education in inculcating democratic the socio-economic status of various social groups and values and discuss the role of education in the development of the disadvantages groups.
Objectives: To introduce the concept of guidance, counseling and guidance services, explain various types of guidance, role of Counsellor and teachers in guidance and counseling, role of guidance and counselling service in schools.
Outcomes: On completion of the course, a students will be able to understand about the concept of guidance and counseling, its various types , explain the testing and non-testing devices in guidance and counseling, identify the essential information for guidance and counselling and frame the principles of organization of guidance and counseling services at different levels of education.
Objectives: To introduce the concept of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and Pedagogical approaches and the policies of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India. To understand the health and nutrition needs of the young children, to identify the common childhood illnesses, take care of the sick young child and take preventive measures and to understand the development of the children from birth to 6 years age and also introdece ECCE Center.
Outcomes: After completion of this course, the learner will be able to understand the significance and various aspects of ECCE, including its meaning, nature, scope, and the need for holistic development in young children ; evaluate the historical and contemporary trends, policies, and programs related to ECCE in India and become familiar with the contributions of pioneering education philosophers like Froebel, Montessori, and Dewey. The learner will be able to explain essential areas of child development, such as social and personal growth, emotional development, motor skills, creativity, and nutrition, while also exploring common childhood illnesses, their prevention, and management, and undrestand the demonstrate how to up and run a ECCE centre.